zer0warm's dumpster

My daily exercise mindset

About a month ago, I decided to exercise something everyday. I set a timer (in minutes or number of sets/reps) and just do it until the numbers reach zero. Also, I keep the number of activities small. Exercising will make me stronger, so there is no rewards or achievements set ahead. There are just exercises to complete.

I've heard people say to not make exercising a chore, but this is my only way forward. I usually give up after a month or the first few steps when trying several training schedules and programs. I quit running after completing C25K a year ago. There's a pattern: the more I brag (or just talk) about my daily exercises, the less I will do them the next day; and the bigger the goal, the lesser my motivation be after reaching that goal. This post is also a brag, so I can't be specific about my routines.

I just need to keep going.

#exercise #opinion