zer0warm's dumpster


Yesterday there was a downpour. It lasted approximately an hour, but it raised my mood so well I wanted to talk about it. I've always liked rain. Maybe most of the time I'm just sad about something, or because of the tropical climate, but I noticed rain made the most of my days.

I like the raindrops, the smell of earth and trees before, when, and after it rains, the breeze, the feeling of drops on my body, the sound of those drops on the roofs and tree leaves, the way they change angle because of winds. I feel all of these, at once, whenever it rains. Also, other people have to stop talking on the roads. Quite a peaceful time where I live.

I couldn't explain this to my family and friends. They thought I was depressed, overthinking, hiding away true feelings even, that rain was just wash away the messes. The closest one even told me that maybe I wasn't bathing in the sun enough to appreciate its gift, and that sunny actually makes best days. :)

This isn't the only way to view rain, but it's my way. I know how rain can be troublesome, trust me, rain annoyed me in many ways and they weren't joyful experiences. Why holding onto bad times when we can enjoy good days?
